How to Spend the Day at Costa Rica`s Best Hidden Beach- Playa Linda

Welcome to Playa Linda!

In our opinion, this is Costa Rica`s best hidden beach. We have been to tons of beaches all over Costa Rica, and this one is hands down our #1 favorite beach for these main reasons:

  • It`s off the beaten path
  • Not touristy at all
  • There is nothing built on the beach- it`s just sand, water and palm trees
  • The waves are perfect for swimming, boogie boarding and surfing
  • It`s ridiculously beautiful

How To Get There

Playa Linda is located in the south pacific of Costa Rica, between Matapalo and Dominical (only about a 40 minute drive from Manuel Antonio). The easiest way to get there is by car. Google Maps is the best navigation app in Costa Rica, so even though this beach is like a hidden gem, it actually does show up in Waze! If you are driving without wifi access, here is a quick description of how to get there using landmarks:

1. From Manuel Antonio / Quepos, get on highway 34. It`s a really pretty drive through palm plantations. It looks like this:

2. You will pass a small town of Matapalo. Keep going and look for these 2 cell phone towers- this is your landmark of where the entrance is. *there is no sign for Playa Linda, you just have to find it!

3. Look for the sign that says “Hatillo Dominical Plantanillo” and turn right at the gravel road entrance:

4. Drive on the gravel road for about 5 minutes and then you will see the beach! Turn left and drive along this path until you find your perfect spot to set up for the day!

When to Go

Weekdays are the best time to go to Playa Linda, as you will most likely be the only people there, or maybe see just 1 or 2 other people. On the weekends, this is where the locals hang out, so then there will be more people there, but still it`s a huge beach and there`s plenty of space for everyone.

Also, it`s best to go at low tide. Use a tide chart to see when low tide will be and plan to spend your day there within 2-3 hours before and / or after low tide. As the tide starts to come in again, that`s the best time for boogie boarding!

What to Pack

  • hammock(s)
  • beach blanket
  • towels
  • cooler / ice
  • plenty of water / drinks
  • lunch and snacks
  • beach toys (frisbee, soccer ball, boogie boards, surf boards, etc)
  • a good book to read
  • music / speaker
  • large jugs of water (to give yourself a little shower and get the salt water off your skin)
  • sunblock 50+
  • insect repellent
  • lighter / fire starting stuff (for beach bonfire)
  • a change of dry clothes (it feels so good to get out of that wet swim suit for the drive home!)

What To Do

First, set up a comfy spot to chill all day. We love to bring enough hammocks for everyone, and set up a little kitchen area with our cooler and portable grill to have a cookout on the beach. The whole beach is lined with palm trees, so there`s plenty of shade to set up your area!

Once your spot is set up, now load up with sunblock and go have fun! Our favorite things to do at Playa Linda are boogie board, play soccer with our dog Luka, swing in hammocks, drink fresh coconut water, grill out and have beach bonfires at sunset. Every day we spend at Playa Linda feels like the happiest day of my life! I just LOVE it there.

Tip: Even when there`s nobody else there, there always seems to be this one guy who is walking the beach selling fresh coconuts! He normally charges 1,000 colones ($2) per coconut, but if you speak Spanish and don`t act like a tourist, you could get it for 500 colones ($1). Also, he really appreciates it when you share snacks with him (we always give him some chips or fruit). Drinking a coconut on the beach is the best!

Now you know what to do to go and have an adventure on your own. I hope you have the best day ever at Playa Linda!

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